West Shore Chamber of Commerce

Connections Newsletter

Current Newsletter

February 2025

businessNEWS Member Benefit
• Members are able to submit a free approximately 250 word blurb for the businessNEWS section of the Connections Newsletter
• You can promote any business news you would like such as a sale, employee promotion, event, etc.
• businessNEWS information may also be used as social media posts on twitter as we receive them in order to promote your company. If there is an image that would go along with your business news, please send that with your submission and we may be able to post that as well.
• Send your announcement to businessnews@wschamber.org by the second Friday of the month to be included in the next month’s publication. Any items not received by that time may not be included.

An archive of all of the businessNEWS pdfs can be found on our Newsroom Archive page in the menu to the right separated by years.