West Shore Chamber of Commerce

From The Desk Of The President: #CutTheCNI

To our Members and Business Community:

Pennsylvania’s high Corporate Net Income Tax rate is the second-highest in the country – and it’s costing us jobs and the ability to attract large companies to our state!  There’s never been a better opportunity to see the CNI lowered than this year. As you may know, Gov. Tom Wolf proposed lowering the CNI during his state budget address. There is also bipartisan support to cut the CNI.

That’s why we need your help. Almost 50 Chambers of Commerce from across the State have signed a letter along with the PA Chamber of Business and Industry that was sent to the members of the General Assembly advocating for a much-needed reduction.  So, what can you do to help these efforts?  Please be sure to follow the West Shore Chamber and the PA Chamber on social media and comment, share, and repost to your social media accounts. Don’t forget to use the hashtag #CuttheCNI. Also, please plan to join us for the Social Media Takeover Day on Tuesday, June 7.

Thank you for helping to make Pennsylvania more competitive!

George M. Book, Jr.
President & CEO
West Shore Chamber of Commerce

Click here to view the PA Chamber of Business & Industry Press Release